Monday, August 13, 2012

"For what do we hope?" Escatology in Scripture, Tradition, and Reason/Experience

Our final week of Public Theology focused on ideas both of our own individual end and the end of time.  Here are our findings:

redemption through Christ and with Christ
redeemed from sin and this earthly life
a New Heaven and a New Earth (Rev 21:1-3)
the Kingdom of God will come
eternal life
no more tears, no more pain
no more death
lion lies down with the lamb 
All will come to my holy mountain (Isaiah 65:24-25)
much of Revelations, Daniel and the apocalyptic parts of the Gospels
Christ/God will judge
Jesus is with us always
Evil is destroyed
God's promise to Noah to never flood the world again
bodily resurrection

judgement Day: Jesus comes back
bad to hell, Good to heaven VS everyone/all creation is redeemed
just one denomination/religion gets saved
literal reading of apocalyptic passages
"Left Behind" series
bodily resurrection
justice will finally be had
we'll have a specific review of our life
Pearly Gates
Peter holds the key
angels, harps, clouds, golden streets
oneness with God
Dante and other art of Judgement, afterlife
Kingdom of God on earth
Utopian societies attempt to live it now, communes
all sins are forgiven
now AND not yet

the closest I came was participating in a Christian/Muslim dialogue--
   different people were open and accepting and working together.  That's my hope.
an afterlife
we'll see again the people we love
union with God
no matter where you turn or look, God is there
a permanent unitive experience--God and all become one
I'll be at one with all of creation and the universe
I simply don't know what it will be like
it might be that all evil will be erased--that ALL will be saved and redeemed
the miracle is at the end WE are able to forgive.
the end of fear
God wins
we'll get to learn why bad things happened
we are in the midst of the redemption--it began with the crucifixion and continues
I hope for a higher consciousness that unites us--a new awareness and living into that truth now
I struggle with how to deal with physics and faith
I am certain it's going to be OK.

Monday, August 6, 2012

"What is the Church?": Scripture, Tradition, Reason/Experience

Our penultimate topic for our summer of Public Theology is "What is the Church?"  Here are some of our answers:

The Bride of Christ
the Body of Christ
held all things in common
"love one another"
exposed to false teachings, and true teachings
Holy Spirit guides them
Resolving differences internally (Mt 18:15-19)
United in belief in the Christ
A fellowship
A family
Baptism gained new meaning
Wrestled with what you need to do/be to "be church" (Acts)
Peter is the rock on which the church is built
Mission: evangelize, baptize, guard the truth, teach, discipline
Mission: preach the good news--Christ is risen from the dead
Go, baptize, tell
Care for the least of these (Mt 25:31-46)
Wherever 2-3 are gathered, I am there (Mt 18:20)

emphasizes organizational structure, hierarchy
meet regularly for worship
often refers to a building rather than to a group of people
Christ is the foundation of the Church
mission is to heal and preach (hymn)
mission is to spread the kingdom (hymn)
mission is to save people from life of sin
it's where you go to get baptized, married, and buried
a place to go to celebrate life's events with the community
gathering to worship around life events
the breaking of the bread
is Church really about the hierarchy or the group?
defines and supports music, art, poetry
gives us tools to enjoy beauty
is about liturgy
offers a chance to experience God
the apostolic succession

a supportive community
an exclusive community?
where I learn to pray
there's moral guidance at church
it's the only place I know where we talk together about God, the Bible, and the history of the church
points out your sins (in the general Confession of Sins)
I understand the idea of the Cloud of Witnesses
the physical space becomes holy because we gather here again and again for worship
the Eucharist for me is about renewal and strength
being in (this) church forces us to wrestle with questions of science and faith
we celebrate important passages in life with this community
a place we can come to help others
a group organized to serve the least of these
a group organized to strengthen us
it's where true joy is found
where true sorrow can be shared and passed through
helps me organize life

Why am I at church today?
spiritual food
see friends
strength and renewal
thank people who have helped me
something is missing without it
the Eucharist
I want family and neighbors to know I do this, that it's important
witness to the value of church
to encourage me in selflessness, humility, generosity, and mercy
it's loving
I'm always accepted
I can focus on God's forgiveness
to praise the Lord
because I want THIS place to be alive in THIS building on THIS campus
to share
to recognize the "you in me and I in you"

Monday, July 30, 2012

"What is Sin and Salvation": Scripture, Tradition, Reason/Experience

This Sunday, our Public Theology "sermon" time was rich with conversation about sin and salvation.  Here's what we wrestled with:

Bible on Sin
Stories involving sin
  Cain and Abel
  Adam and Eve
  the Good Samaritan
  the Prodigal Son
  the Rich Man and the Beggar
  David (Bathsheba and Uriah)
  Tower of Babel
  Cast the first stone
  Soddom and Gomorroah
  Plagues result of not listening to God

worshiping false idols
most everything in the prophets
not visiting, feeding, clothing least of these
10 commandments
judging and condemning others
greatest commandment
mixing fibers and other Levitical purity laws
breaking dietary restrictions
being unclean
being uncircumcized, tatooed, or malformed
being a hypocrite
we are born into sin

Bible on Salvation
forgiveness is God's
God's gift through Christ is grace
I am the one shall come except through me
Obeying rules gives salvation (OT, Pharisees)
Sacrifices atone for sins (OT)
Sin and salvation is not all about following the rules (Jesus)
Old Testament ideas of "doing right" + "loving kindness" is how to earn salvation
God searches for the lost to save them (coin, sheep, son)
Salvation is living in the Kingdom of God now
Born again of the spirit
Baptism necessary for salvation
Jesus lived and died to save all
Old Testament salvation is about outward sacrifice, New Testament salvation is about inward sacrifice

Christian Tradition on Sin
Pope can designate sin/not sin (Roman Catholic view)
ALL sin and fall short
Jesus was sinless
Separation from God
Willful disobedience of God
Not following society's laws
Natural law
Original sin
Doing anything not of God
Creature worshiping self rather than the creator (C.S. Lewis)
Inability to forgive, hardening of heart
"missing the target"
retaliation (very different from Old Testament/Middle Eastern society where not standing up for family by retaliating would be a sin)

Christian Tradition on Salvation
Universal salvation (Universalists) vs Predestination (Calvinists)
Saved through Grace
Saved through Works Righteousness (social justice)
Saved through Word Alone
We all have the ability to respond to or deny God's grace
Salvation is about New Life, a New Age
Salvation is both here-and-now and in life after death (Milton)
Jesus is the "Lamb of God" so that we would never have to make temple sacrifice again

Reason and Experience on Sin
Sin is being sure someone else is going to hell
I struggle with atonement theory.  I don't believe God needs Christ's grisly death as payment for sin.
The most "sticky" sins are the ones where I hurt another
What do we do when our sins are sticky? talk to friend/counselor, talk to the one I hurt, pray-pray-pray
I struggle with why God made us able to sin
How can God let things like the Holocaust happen?
Sin sometimes feels like being nibbled to death by ducks--lots of little things
Sin feels like I am running away

Reason and Experience on Salvation
it's sweet and it's real
I have a deep awareness of God's presence in my life--regardless of my sin
Humility is part of it
I feel saved when I experience the divine presences and beauty
Salvation feels like coming home and being embraced and welcomed
God surrounds me and says, "It's OK."
Part of salvation for me is looking back and seeing God's hand at work in the world

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"What is Humanity?" Scripture, Tradition, Reason/Experience

This week our congregation tackled "What is humanity?" 
Our first three weeks of Public Theology were a bit easier.  The Bible and tradition specifically mention God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit often.  Now, we're beginning to have to distill stories to get to their understanding of humanity (and upcoming grappling with sin, salvation, the future, etc).  We did a great job taking the next step in our discovery.  Here's what we distilled about humanity:

Adam and Eve
   adam created from the earth
   eve created from adam's flesh
   created in God's image
   needed God's breath to enliven
   gave dominion over the animals
   have a need for companionship, "helpmate"
   we are fallen, disobedient
   we have a temptation to be like God and a desire for God's knowledge
   work is a punishment and part of being human
   Satan worked on people when they were alone, never when they were together
   we are mortal because of sin
   we all will struggle because of sin
7 days of creation
   we are created and called "good" (along with the rest of creation)
   we are the last of the created things, the culmination
   be fruitful and multiply
we blame others
we kill
we argue and wrestle with God (Abraham, Jacob)
we have a conscience
sometimes we'd rather not follow God (Jonah, etc)
we forget God often
we're in covenants with God (Moses, Abraham, Jesus, etc)
God tests us (Job, Abraham, etc)
we fail to understand God
God loves us in spite of all our failings
God loves a chosen people
God lifts up/blesses the lowly (beatitudes, magnificat)
Jesus is fully human, models the perfect human
we will be judged
we need the commandments

"the flesh" is not to be trusted
there is a common human experience of calling to God for guidance and strength
the prayer of St. Francis describes humanity
we ask God's help to be better
"I am a worm and no man" (bcp)
Saints of God are just folk like me (hymn)
Our hearts are restless until they find rest in thee (Augustine)
we're worthwhile, no matter how bad (Amazing Grace)
Jesus loves me, this I know
we are forgiven through grace, not works
works righteousness
our relationship with God is both individual/private and collective/corporate
humanity is a shared experience
we're "amphibians" both fleshly and spiritual (Screwtape, CS Lewis)
we always have rules--need an "operating manual"
we never follow all the rules
we have free will
the theory of predestination
we want to be superior to others
we want to direct others
we're often certain we are right
not following God's rules will put us into hell

my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak
humanity has discounted/abused/used animals (and all creation)
the human condition is part of ALL of us
we all struggle with the same questions, no matter who we are
our search for truth never finds a solution
we like instant gratification
we have a capacity to reflect on the suffering of others
we have a capacity to help and respond to others
we have the ability to be indifferent
we have the ability to inflict suffering
I struggle with the question of HOW we walk with God: by self-discipline or by grace?
we all grapple
how does God feel about us doing the right thing for the wrong reason?
how does God feel about us doing the wrong thing for the right reason?
it's hard to believe that grace can cover ALL sins (there are some really terrible folks out there)
we blame tragedy on God (is that true?)
we claim God saves us from tragedy (is that true?)
we have an ability to trust God
self-discipline is important in our growth
when wars are fought, every side believes God is on "our side"
so many people are good, loving, kind
humans see evil more easily than they see the good
humans respond to love better than to threats
we need to suspend our disbelief in order to have faith
we have had incredible success and incredible failures
we like to put things in place of God: my own judgement, money, etc
we don't want to give God control
we desire to experience God
we fear experiencing God
it is impossible for humans to understand God
many people give up trying to have a relationship with God
many are angry with God
question why God made me like this if it leads to abuse/pain/etc
we have a desire to be self-reliant

Several folks this week commented on how our first three topics were uplifting and helpful, but this week's discovery felt depressing.  I encouraged them to continue attending--we first need to get an understanding of humanity before we can understand the questions of sin, salvation, and the future.  Check in next week!

"Who is the Holy Spirit?" Scripture, Tradition, Reason/Experience

July 15th we grappled with Who Is the Holy Spirit.  Here is what we remembered from the following sources:

We are baptized with the Holy Spirit
brooding upon the chaos
breath of God
flames (descended on heads at Pentecost)
Giver of Life
giver of abilities/gifts
fruits of the Spirit
Jesus left, the Holy Spirit remains
wind of God
creative force/creator
comes upon, inspires (Isaiah 61)
word of God
enabler of prayer

binds Christ and the church
binds Father and Son
binds us all together in the church
3rd part of trinity
is a gift
perpetual light
God at work in the world
breathe of God
breath of life, "Ruach"
enables us to grow
spoke through the prophets
harmonizes God, self, neighbor, and all creation
divine comforter
sanctifies us
associated with speaking in tongues, healing, teaching, abundant joy, snake handling, slane in spirit, fearlessness.
fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
Nicene creed:  Eastern (Spirit and Jesus from Father), Western (Jesus from Father and Spirit)
gender-sometimes the Spirit is female
Christ made incarnate by the Holy Spirit
No one has more or less of the Holy Spirit--we've all got it.

Our Reason/Experience
The Spirit interrupts us!
strengthens us in love and good works
always with us
always comforts us
transcends words, reason
equality--we are all equal in God's eyes and all have the gift of the Holy Spirit
with us in chaos
the Spirit is God operating in the material AND psychological realm
I get promptings from the Holy Spirit, and when I listen they're always needed/right
"the Spirit will bring all to your remembrance"--helps us know what is important
I am able to live through difficult times because the Holy Spirit is with me
I can *feel* being held up in prayer--this is through the Holy Spirit
the Spirit holds people together in abundant joy, like at camp
I feel the Holy Spirit among people when we're enjoying live music together
I miss talking about the Holy Ghost because the root of "ghost" and "guest" is the same

Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Who is Jesus?" Scripture, Tradition, Reason/Experience

We are continuing our Sunday Morning Public Theology during the normal sermon time.  We're on the second person of the trinity (Jesus) this week and here are some of the attributes we shared:

family of David
Son of God
good Jewish boy
the vine
everything was created through and for Jesus
the way
the lamb
social justice do-er
not what anyone expected
a man
disturber of the status quo
suffering servant
word made flesh
one who calls people
look at Jesus to see the Father
God incarnate
head of the church
head of the body
appreciated/valued women and children
coming back
died and was resurrected
our advocate
could be angry
could be sad
had emotions

Son of God
Son of Man
incarnate of the Virgin Mary
Lamb of God
The Truth
"lover of my soul"
Bread of Life
Lord and Savior
forgiver of our sins
is alive, he lives!
The Word
Alpha and Omega
Paschal Lamb
head of the church
fully God
fully human
died and was resurrected
part of the trinity
is returning
accepts me Just as I Am

not judgemental
not unforgiving
my friend
sometimes your only friend
ever-present in my life
tells us to "straighten up and fly right"
puts our lives and hurts into perspective
models "What Would Jesus Do"
understanding-he knows human life
I struggle with the complexity of Jesus' "take this cup away from me"
the fully human/fully divine is more than my reason can understand
I question the sinlessness
Jesus models questioning and struggling with God
models standing up for justice
God likes me with all my flaws--just this way
We're acceptable, through Jesus
Jesus waits.  He is so patient with me.
death is not the end--there is happiness and joy beyond it, and continued relationship
we need to work on and spend time with our relationship with Jesus

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Who is God? Scripture, Tradition, Reason/Experience

Last Sunday began our corporate theological discernment around the core questions of Christianity.  The question of the week is "Who is God?"  Half the congregation spent five minutes brainstorming what the Bible has to say on the topic while the other half of the congregation considered the tradition (mainly the BCP including historical documents, and the hymnal).  Then together we shared what our reason and experience tells us.  Here are our lists:

Who Is God: Scripture
Ruler of the Universe
Offers a covenant
In relationship with us/world
King Eternal
Alpha and Omega
Shield and sword

Who Is God: Tradition
Father Almighty
Creator of Heaven and Earth
Maker of all things, visible and invisible
King of Peace
Without body, parts, or passion
Infinite in power
Infinite in wisdom
Infinite in goodness
Ground of Existence 
God knows us personally
God searches and years for us personally
Shield and defender
Holy Name is everywhere
Light and Salvation

Who Is God: Reason/Tradition
My husband
Giver of freedom
Unseen artist
Likes to be appreciated
Completely rational
Serenity (both is serenity and gives serenity)

I was pleased with the work we did during the sermon time.  These lists are great!  Do you see anything we've missed?  What would you add? 
Next week, we'll focus on "Who is Jesus Christ?" stay tuned.